AX_ItemPO Data Dictionary

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ItemPOID Item Purchase Order ID The unique identifier for the individual item within the purchase order.
AssetCAID Asset Capital Asset ID The identifier for the capital asset associated with the purchase item.
DateExpected Date Expected The date on which the item is expected to arrive.
DatePO Date Purchase Order The date the purchase order was issued.
DstRecptID Destination Recipient ID The identifier for the recipient at the destination location.
DstRecptTypeID Destination Recipient Type ID The identifier indicating the type or category of recipient at the destination.
FOB Free On Board A term used in shipping to indicate whether the seller or the buyer is liable for goods that are damaged or destroyed during shipping.
InvMsgID Invoice Message ID The identifier for a message pertaining to the invoice.
IsDropShip Is Drop Shipment Indicates if the purchase order item will be directly shipped from the supplier to the customer (Yes/No).
IsOrderSent Is Order Sent Indicates if the purchase order has been sent to the supplier (Yes/No).
ItemPONo Item Purchase Order Number The unique number assigned to the purchase order for the item.
Memo Memo Any additional notes or information associated with the purchase order item.
NoteX Note X A specific note or remark associated with this item or transaction.
NoteGenEntryID Note General Entry ID The identifier for a general note entry associated with the item.
OrigUserID Original User ID Identifier of the user who originally created or processed the order.
ReceivingLocID Receiving Location ID Identifier of the location where the item will be received.
RecptID Receipt ID The identifier for the receipt documenting the receiving of the item.
RecptTypeID Receipt Type ID The identifier that categorizes the type of receipt.
SenderKindByteID Sender Kind Byte ID An identifier (in byte format) reflecting the kind or category of the sender.
ShipViaID Ship Via ID The identifier for the method or company used for shipping the item.
SiteID Site ID Identifier of the site associated with the purchase order.
VendorID Vendor ID The identifier for the vendor that supplied the item.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum A checksum used for audit logging to verify the integrity of the data.
ZUDate ZU Date The date the audit log entry was created or last updated.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History ID An identifier for the logon history used in audit logs.